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Name________________Date Due_03_13_Tuesday/ Posted internet
03_12 Monday
Chapter 14 section 1 pages 391 through 393
Social Sciences in the Industrial Age
Learning Objectives:
A. Explore how science influenced the study of
politics, economics and industry
B. Examine how archaeology, anthropology and sociology
explored cultures
C. Investigate how the study of the human mind
The Main Idea:Scientists studied human societies and the
human mind in an effort to understand human behavior
Rise of the Social Sciences:
After reading this section you will be able to answer the
following short response question: How was the development
of history like that of political science? Why?
The _______sciences are those branches of knowledge that
scientifically study people as members of society. They cover such
topics as______, ______,________,______relations. The idea of making
these studies objective and _______was new in the 1800’s>
The study of _______dates back to
the______philosophers,______and __________. Later it became a
subject for thinkers like ______,_______ and Rousseau. In the 1800’s
it became known as __________ ______. Scholars attempted to study
law and with the same methods that physics and biologists studied
their own fields. Economists began to gather ________in order to
test their _______.
The study of history dates back to ancient ______. The study
of_____ changed in the 18_. Influenced by _______,
historians wrote about the _______and _____of their _____-countries. More importantly they based their writings on the
_____-study of______materials and
careful_________of________. A new trend influenced
by________included the study of all people in a______.
Now you will be able to answer the following short response
question: How was the development of history like that of
political science? Why? Both influenced by nationalism, use
scientific methods to collect and organize information,
study people as members of society.
Archaeology, Anthropology, and Sociology
After reading this section you will be able to answer the
following short response question: How do archaeology,
anthropology, and sociology differ?
________is the study of _____-culture through _______people have
left ________. It was in the 18__that scientists began to learn how old
the ______was and how long ________had lived on it.________paintings
were found in _____and Spain. Careful _____ of sites uncovered remains
of _______ cultures. ________techniques allowed scientists to determine
the sequence of events in ancient cities of _______ and _______
________is the study of different ______both ______and
_____._________ began to explore _______in the ________-of
_______societies and n the way people _______to each other. A ________
anthropologists E.B Taylor adopted the term ______to describe the set
of beliefs and behavior that a culture shares. Taylor looked
at_______and how it evolved in all human________. James ________tried
to show________ between __________. Anthropologist study the
________and differences among___________.
________is the study of human__________in society.
Aguste_____was one of the first founders of ___________.Comte argued
that society, like ________operated by certain__________.Sociologists
should follow _______-methods by using _______facts not
_______interpretations. Herbert _____coined the term_____of the
_______. Spencer used _________to study human_________. Like plant and
animal life human society had evolved from lower to _____forms, through
______selection. Spencer’s theory became known as social________.
People who had acquired wealth had superior__________.poverty proved
that those people were ________.
Now you will be able to answer the following short response
question:How do archaeology, anthropology, and sociology differ?
Archaeology studies human culture through artifacts,
anthropology studies different societies, and sociology studies
human relationships in society.
After reading this section you will be able to answer the
short response question: According to Freud, how can one’s
unconscious fears and desires be revealed and examined by
means of psychoanalysis.
7. _____________studies the mind and human behavior.
Influenced by ________some ________studied
________behavior and applied the results to___________.
A __________physiologist Ivan______discovered the
__________reflex. Pavlov concluded that human actions
are responses to outside stimuli and can be changed
by__________. In early 19__an _____doctor introduces the
idea that _________ is a determining factor in
human__________. Sigmund__________. _________learns that
under _______patients could remember past ________they
could not otherwise recall. He treated his patients
identifying their ________or ________. He studied their
__________and encouraged them to talk _______about
whatever came to their _________.The process, invented
by Freud of revealing and analyzing unconscious
motivations is called___________. ________founded the
modern _________. The study of and treatment of
______illness is called__________. Other _______sciences
borrowed from Freud’s theories. Social behaviors and
cultural _________can be driven by
__________psychological ________.
Now you will be able to answer the short response
question: According to Freud, how can one’s unconscious
fears and desires be revealed and examined by means of
psychoanalysis? By studying one’s dreams, encouraging a
person to talk about whatever comes to mind.