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AP Psychology Final Review
AP Final - Chp.1 Review
1. What is the school of psychology associated with understanding the purpose of
2. John B. Watson argued that psychologists should abandon the study of consciousness
3. Michael is having problems relating to other people because he is exhibiting delusions
(false beliefs) and hallucinations. Michael would most likely seek help from a(n)
CLINICAL psychologist.
4. Which individual is most closely associated with the recent development of
evolutionary psychology? David Buss
5. A psychologist who is interested in the psychological effect of aging would most likely
specialize in developmental psychology
6. Describe what a theory is? a system of interrelated ideas used to explain some
7. Nature is to nurture as _________________________________ is to environment.
8. What does SQ3R refer to? a study system designed to promote effective reading
9. What do behaviorism and psychoanalytic theory have in common? the implication that people are
not masters of their own destinies
10. For John B. Watson, the appropriate subject matter of psychology was animal behavior
AP Final - Chp.2 Review
11. A group of researchers conducts a study to determine if children's performance is
affected by the presence of other children. First the children are taken to a room with
no other children and timed while they complete a puzzle. Later the same children are
taken to a room with four other children and timed while they complete a similar
puzzle. In this study, the length of time it takes to complete the puzzle would be
dependent variable.
12. Estevan received a questionnaire in the mail asking about his general buying habits.
He was asked to identify the specific products that he typically buys, and the amount
of each product that he typically uses. If Estevan completes the questionnaire and
returns it, what type of research will he have taken part in? survey method
13. Suppose a researcher discovered a +.87 correlation between the length of a person's
toes and the number of shoes the person owns. In general, people who own the
fewest number of shoes would have which of the following? small toes
small toes
large toes
medium-sized toes
either very large or very small toes
14. The FDA found that people who used a particular diet drug combination had more
heart valve defects than people who had not taken the diet drug combination. This
suggests that the use of the diet drug combination and heart valve defects are
positively correlated
15. Dr. Hugo designs an experiment to test the effectiveness of a new antidepressant
drug. Half the participants will receive the actual drug and half will receive a sugar
pill, but neither the participants nor the researchers who administer the drug will
know who is receiving the actual drug and who is receiving the placebo. In this case,
Dr. Hugo has designed a double-blind research study
16. Deception is used in some research in order to help control for placebo effects.
17. What percentage of psychological studies involves animals? ___________________
18. The major advantage of the experimental method over the correlational approach is that the
experimental method permits one to make causal conclusions
19. The term statistical significance refers to the inference that the observed effects are
unlikely to be due to chance
20. If you believe that increasing levels of anxiety are associated with drug abuse, you have
just formulated a(n) hypothesis
AP Final- chp.3 review
21. What is the correct sequence of structures through which information flows in a neuron?
dendrites to cell body to axon
22. A neural impulse is initiated when a neuron's charge momentarily changes from
positive to negative
23. An inhibitory postsynaptic potential _____________________ the likelihood that the
postsynaptic neuron will fire action potentials.
24. The movement of voluntary skeletal muscles involved in doing calisthenics is under
the control of the somatic nervous system.
25. The sympathetic nervous system is most likely to be in control of bodily processes during
periods of rest and recovery for the body.
26. The cerebrum is the largest and most complex part of the human brain.
27. The structure that connects the two cerebral hemispheres is the corpus callosum
28. Gonadotropins are released by the pituitary gland and affect the development
of external sexual organs.
29. Most neurons are involved in transmitting information from ____________________
30. The change in the polarity of a neuron that results from the inflow of positively
charged ions and the outflow of negatively charged ions is called the _______________
AP Final chp.4 review
31. Sensory adaptation refers to a decline in sensitivity after prolonged stimulation
32. Overall, how do we perceive stimuli? changing stimuli better than constant ones
33. Our perception of the brightness of a color is affected mainly by the amplitude of
light waves of light waves.
34. At the musical he attended over the weekend, Andrew noticed that whenever the red and
green spotlights overlapped, they seemed to change to a yellow spotlight. This can be
explained using the principles of ____________________________________________
35. Paintings or drawings that lead to ambiguous interpretations often invert the figure and
36. Perceptual constancy refers to our perception of objects remaining stable despite the
fact that sensory information changes
37. Generally, the four basic tastes are considered to be salty, sweet, sour, and bitter
38. Which of the following is a true statement regarding the olfactory capacity of humans?
a. With specialized training, we could track a timber wolf through a mountain range.
b. Although there are some species whose sense of smell is superior, human
olfaction compares favorably with that of many animals.
c. Since our capacity is so limited, we can only detect fairly powerful odors.
d. Although we are especially sensitive to food odors, we are not particularly
sensitive to other odors.
AP Final Chp.5 Review
39. Stage 1 sleep is represented by EEG brain-wave patterns referred to as alpha waves.
40. What happens when people are selectively deprived of slow-wave sleep for several nights
in a row? will make up for the lost slow-wave sleep when allowed to sleep normally again
41. Who is susceptible to hypnotism? ____________________________________________
42. A synergistic effect is one in which _______________________________________
43. What drugs can cause a lethal overdose? ___________________________________
44. The fact that the alterations of consciousness produced by drugs depend significantly
on personal experience illustrates which of the following unifying themes?
a. Psychology is empirical.
b. Psychology evolves in a sociohistorical context.
c. Behavior is determined by multiple causes.
d. Our experience of the world is highly subjective.
45. As a result of taking sleeping pills, Elian has been getting 8 hours of sleep per night
but he does not feel rested. Why is this the case? Sleeping pills suppress REM sleep.
46. The content of most dreams is mundane
47. Stages 3 and 4 of sleep are associated with delta waves in EEG recordings.
AP Final chp.6 review
48. Holly was dancing with her new boyfriend at an Elvis tribute. When the band started
playing "Can't Help Falling in Love with You" her boyfriend gave her a long,
passionate kiss, which Holly found very enjoyable. Now Holly finds that every time
she hears "Can't Help Falling in Love with You" on the radio, she becomes a little
flushed. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is the song "Can't Help Falling in
Love with You"
49. If a dog salivates to a blue light and not to a yellow light, the dog is showing
evidence of stimulus discrimination
50. You are watching a pigeon pecking a disk in a small chamber. There is a cumulative
recorder connected to the disk. While you are watching, the pigeon is pecking at a slow,
steady rate. Based on this information, you can predict that the line on the cumulative
recorder will ___________________________________________________________
51. Arranging information and questions in a sequence of small steps to permit active
learning by individuals relies on principles derived from operant conditioning
52. In order for a reinforcer to be most effective, it should be delivered as soon as
possible after the behavior has been performed
53. Acquiring a behavior that prevents the occurrence of an aversive event is _________
54. A three-year-old boy observes his father yelling at his mother every time she says
something the father doesn't like. Based on principles of observational learning, in the
future whenever the mother says something to the boy that the he does not like, what is
the boy is most likely to do? yell at his mother
55. Tia wants to be the governor for her state. In all her television ads she plays patriotic
music and has the American flag displayed in the background. If voters develop
positive feelings toward Tia as a result of these ads, those positive feelings would
represent a conditioned response
AP Final chp.7 review
56. Which researcher is known for identifying the capacity of short-term memory as
"seven plus or minus two" items? ________________________________________
57. Which memory system is referred to in your text as "working memory"? short-term
58. A schema is an organized general knowledge structure
59. Loftus' work on eyewitness testimony has clearly demonstrated that information
given after an event can alter a person's memory of the event
60. The process of making attributions about the origins of memories is referred to as __
61. The process of deciding whether a memory is based on external sources (one's perceptions
of actual events) or internal sources (one' thoughts and imaginations) is called reality
62. A relearning measure requires subjects to memorize information a second time to
determine how much time or effort is saved
63. You meet a man at a party and carefully store his name along with an image of his face.
The next day, he calls you on the phone, but you can't remember his name. According to
the encoding specificity principle, this is because _____________________________
64. Which of the following statements regarding prospective memory is not accurate?
a. People seem to vary tremendously in their ability to carry out prospective memory tasks.
b. Infrequent tasks tend to be easier to remember than habitual tasks.
c. Older adults seem to be more vulnerable to problems with prospective memory
than younger people.
d. Event-based prospective tasks appear to be easier to remember than time-based tasks.
65. According to the notion of deep processing, you can learn material more effectively
by relating the information to your own life and experience
AP Final - chp.10 review
66. Animals that have lesions in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus overeat and become
67. What is a measure of weight that controls for variations in height, and is increasingly
used in research on obesity? ____________________________________________
68. A person who seeks emotional-sexual relationships with members of the other sex is
referred to as heterosexual
69. Describe the refractory period? a time following male orgasm during which males
are largely unresponsive to further stimulation
70. The projective test that has been used a great deal to measure affiliation need is the Thematic
Apperception Test
71. Maria is pursuing a highly competitive career, and she works very hard and persistently
at her tasks. Maria's behavior most likely reflects a high achievement motivation
72. The facial feedback hypothesis suggests that ________________________________
73. Schachter's concept of emotion stresses that both bodily arousal and our
interpretation of the arousal play a role in emotion
74. According to evolutionary theories of emotion, sexual behavior topics have drawn
the most attention
75. Assumptions are premises for which no proof of evidence is offered.
76. What topics have drawn the most attention in studies by evolutionary theorists? sexual
AP Final - chp.11 review
77. Avery is excited by the fact she has begun to feel her baby kicking and moving in her
uterus. If Avery can feel her baby moving, her pregnancy must be in the fetal stage
78. During the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development, a child's relations with the
world are through physical interaction
79. The tendency to focus on just one feature of a problem while neglecting other
important aspects is referred to as _______________________________________
80. What is the earliest age at which human beings have shown evidence of long-term
memory? ______________________________________________________________
81. At the preconventional level, the child decides if things are good or bad (moral) on the
basis of whether they __________________________________________________
82. Adolescence can be conceptualized as the time period during which individuals are
"adults" in terms of their physical development, but not in terms of
their emotional development.
83. The ratio of attempted suicides to completed suicides tends to be highest in what age
group? teenagers
84. One recent trend in marriage in this country is to increasingly postpone marriage into
the late 20s or beyond
85. Recent research on memory in older adults shows age-related declines in the capacity
of working memory
86. Avoidant attachments seem to be _____________ common in German infants, and
__________ common in Japanese infants, than in American infants.
87. Studies that have measured spouses' overall satisfaction at different stages of the
family life cycle have found that marital satisfaction tends to be lowest at the middle
of the cycle
AP Final Review Chapter 12
88. People who score high in extraversion tend to be anxious, hostile, self-conscious, insecure,
and vulnerable.
89. People who score low in agreeableness tend to be suspicious, antagonistic,
and aggressive.
90. Sigmund Freud received his academic training in what field? medicine
91. To differentiate his approach from Freud's psychoanalytic theory, Carl Jung used the
name analytical psychology
92. Albert Bandura's concept of reciprocal determinism is best summarized as
"Environments shape humans and humans shape environments."
93. Research findings indicate that feelings of greater self-efficacy are associated with what?
greater success in giving up smoking, higher levels of academic performance
enhanced performance in athletic competition
94. The collection of beliefs about one's own nature, unique qualities, and typical
behavior is referred to as one's self-concept, according to Rogers.
95. Awed by the grandeur of nature, the hiker experienced a profound emotional high.
Maslow called such experiences peak experiences
96. According to the evolutionary approach to personality, humans have evolved special
sensitivity to variations in the ability to bond with others, which is closely associated
with which Big Five personality trait? extraversion
AP Final - chp.14 review
97. The concept that abnormal behavior is the result of a disease goes with the medical model.
98. The apparent causation and developmental history of an illness is referred to as its etiology
99. Joanna was somewhat surprised when her study partner postponed a study session
because he had an appointment with his psychotherapist. When she was talking to a
friend about the postponed study session she commented: "I have been working on
projects with this student for several months now, and he has never shown any signs of
having a psychological disorder." Joanna's comment suggests that she holds the largely
inaccurate stereotype that people with psychological disorders behave in bizarre ways
100. Which axis would disorders of mood be found? Axis I of the DSM-IV
101. DSM-IV uses five "axes" to describe a person's problem. The actual diagnosis of a
disorder is made on ___________________________________________________
102. Jim came home from the office trembling, experiencing shortness of breath,
irritable, unable to concentrate, and worrying about whether his business would still
be open next week despite the fact that his business was evidencing its highest profit
ever. Jim's condition would most likely be diagnosed as generalized anxiety disorder
103. Darla was fired from her most recent job. Based on Seligman's investigations into the
cognitive factors that might contribute to depression, Darla will be most prone to
depression if she attributes her firing to her lack of ability to do her job successfully
104. The subtype of schizophrenia marked by delusions of persecution and grandeur is paranoid
105. Tyberius wears a hat 24 hours a day and becomes extremely agitated if anyone tries
to remove it. He is convinced that small robots made of Lego blocks nibbled his
ears off while he was sleeping, and if he removes his hat his brains will leak out
through the holes in the sides of his head. Tyberius' delusion is the type of delusion
typically seen in disorganized schizophrenia.
106. Investigation into the causes of antisocial behavior has been hampered by the fact that
there is little available data on the backgrounds of antisocial personalities because they so
rarely seek voluntary treatment for the disorder
107. Often, cases of dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder) receive wide
press coverage, leading people to believe this disorder is a relatively common
psychological problem when, in fact, it is quite rare. People's estimates of the prevalence
of dissociative identity disorder may be influenced to a large extent by _________________
AP Final - chp.15 review
108. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Men are more likely than women to enter therapy.
b. People from the lower socioeconomic classes are more likely to enter therapy than
those from the upper classes.
c. Many people who need therapy don't receive it.
d. Only people who have an identifiable mental disorder are eligible for therapy.
109. Clive is a clinical psychologist and his sister Grace is a psychiatrist. The main
difference between these two professionals would be the fact that Clive would have
a degree in psychology while Stephanie would have a medical degree
110. All of the following are Freudian techniques to bring unconscious material to
consciousness except ________________________________________________
a. free association
b. analysis of transference
c. dream analysis
d. directed confrontation
111. A client in psychoanalysis has been arriving late for sessions, acting hostile to the
analyst, and making up dreams. This is most likely caused by resistance
112. George has been in psychotherapy for several months. When he first started therapy
George had a very positive relationship with his therapist. However, over the past two
weeks he has shown increasing hostility and he often yells and becomes threatening
when his therapist offers her interpretations of the things that George says during
therapy. According to Freud, George's behavior may be evidence of ____________
113. Cognitive therapy borrows many techniques from behavior therapy.
114. Behavior therapy is derived from research by B. F. Skinner, Hans Eysenck, and
Joseph Wolpe
115. A critical component associated with social skills training is __________________
116. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Behavior therapists have historically placed little emphasis on measuring
therapeutic outcomes.
b. Behavior therapies can make important contributions in treating obsessivecompulsive disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and hyperactivity.
c. Insight therapists generally can measure progress more precisely than behavior
therapists because of the nature of their therapeutic goals.
d. The evidence for the effectiveness of insight therapy is stronger than the
evidence for the effectiveness of behavior therapy.
117. What effects do the newest antidepressant drugs, such as Prozac, have? _________
118. Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) can hold down costs by restricting
mental health services. According to critics, what do those restrictions include? ___
119. What are outcomes of deinstitutionalization? _______________________________
120. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is now primarily used to treat patients suffering
from severe mood disorders
121. A therapist's attempt to explain the significance of a client's thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors is referred to as ____________________________________________.
AP Final - chp.16 review
122. What has research on physical attractiveness shown? we tend to ascribe desirable
personality characteristics to good-looking people
123. What variables do people use to stereotype other people? ethnicity, gender, occupation
124. In making a causal attribution, we first tend to decide if an event was due to
internal or external causes.
125. What type of love relationships is most likely to have a sexual component? passionate love
126. When predicting behavior, research has revealed that attitudes are _____________
127. Cognitive dissonance refers to the state one is in when _______________________
128. In Asch's studies, what was the relationship between group size and conformity?
Conformity increased steadily as group size went from two to four, and then leveled off.
129. Unjustly blaming victims of misfortune for their misfortune defines a(n) defensive