Download educational target sheet for december 2012

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The Middle School
Dear Parents,
These are the content standard skills we will focus on for the month of December in Sixth
grade. Please, work with your child by reviewing class work as well as homework. Together, we
can and will make a difference in your child’s life. Thank you for your cooperation.
Social Studies
 The transition from Roman Republic to Roman Empire including the social structure,
significance of citizenship and the development of political institutions
 The causes of the rise and fall, expansion and contraction of political entities and nationstates
 Identify and compare forms of government and various distributions of power, such as
those found in ancient civilizations, dynastic China, absolute and Constitutional
 Summarize the positions taken on government by political philosophers from early
civilizations through the Middle Ages
 The roots of democratic principles in World History, such as Sumerian written law,
Hammurabi’s Code, Greek city-states, Roman Republicanism, and the British
Constitution (Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights)
 The role of citizens in Greet city-states and the Roman Republic/Empire
 The importance of citizenship in ancient Rome and Greece
 How the Roman Republic and the rule of the Senate affected individuals and groups
 How location and environment influenced early world cultures
 Describe and compare elements of culture such as art, music, religion, government, social
structure, education, values, beliefs and customs from civilizations in early world history
 The impact of trade and migration on the exchange of ideas and beliefs
Unit 6: Algebra 2
o Write equations and inequalities
o Complete Function Tables
o Interpret and write rule for one operation function table
o Graph Ordered Pairs
o Identify changes in a linear equation
 Interactions of Hydrosphere and Atmosphere
o Water cycle
o How surface features affect temperature and precipitation
Science Project 2
Trip to Science Center on the 6th (2:30 – 5:00 PM)
English Language Arts / French Language Arts / Chinese Language Arts
Prefixes , suffixes, roots
Historical Fiction
Science Fiction
Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple meaning words
Functional Documents/Recipes, Posters/flyers
Verbs, Adjectives, Punctuation
Sentences: Simple, Complex, Combining
Text Structures: Problem/Solution, Similarities/Differences, Main Idea/Details
Explain contributions to meaning in the text
Context Clues
Exploring informational text from a scientific perspective
Writing and editing skills
Multiple meaning words
Poetic Language
Ballads and Narrative poetry
Text Structure/Problem/Solution, Similarities/Differences Main Idea/Details
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