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Mr. Borosky
Section 5.7
Algebra 1
5.7 Predict With Linear Models p. 335-341
Objective: 1. You will make predictions using best-fitting lines.
Best Fitting Line – the line that most closely follows a trend in
Linear Regression – the process of finding the best-fitting line to
model a set of data.
Linear Interpolation – using a line or its equation to approximate a
value between 2 known values.
Linear Extrapolation – using a line or its equation to approximate a
value outside the range of known values.
Zero of a Function – is an x value for which f(x) = 0 or y = 0.
Because y = 0 on the x-axis A ZERO OF A FUNCTION IS AN X-INTERCEPT
of the functions graph.
Key Concept Box p. 337 Relating Solutions of Equations, x-intercepts
of graphs, and Zeros of functions
In Chapter 3 you
In chapter 4 you
Now you are finding
learned to solve an
found the x-intercept
the zero of a
equation like
of the graph of a
function like
2x – 4 = 0
function like
f(x) = 2x – 4
+ 4
y = 2x – 4
f(x) = 0
2x = 4
0 = 2x – 4
X = 2
The Solution of
4 = 2x
2x – 4 = 0 is 2
2 = x
The zero of
f(x) = 2x – 4 is 2
5.7 Predict With Linear Models p. 335-341
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