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Discovery of DNA...
Bill Nye...
The DNA Double Helix Discovery — HHMI BioInteractive Video
Amoeba Sisters DNA structure
How DNA is Packaged (Basic)
Replication ... Replicating the Helix for cell division
Making a Protein
1. A segment of DNA containing a gene is unzipped
One side of the segment of DNA is copied. This is messenger RNA (mRNA).
is transcription and it happens in the nucleus
2. mRNA moves out of the nucleus into cytoplasm then to a ribosome
Ribosome: Organelle composed of RNA and protein. A ribosome uses mRNA,
transfer RNA (tRNA), and amino acids to make proteins.
3. Translation happens at the ribosome. Every 3 mRNA bases (a codon) codes for 1
amino acid. mRNA codons pass through the ribosome and amino acids are added
to the protein chain.
Amino Acids: building blocks of proteins. The order in which they are put together
determines the protein made.
4. When mRNA is finished, the protein is released.
5. mRNA returns to nucleus and is recycled.
The Central Dogma of Biology
The Central Dogma of Biology