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What is a case study? Why is it sometimes
necessary to use case studies to answer
psychological questions?
How do people change as they enter the
adulthood and aging stage of life? (physically,
cognitively, and socially)
Describe the survey method.
In a research study, what is the “population?”
What is a random sample?
4. What are the four stages of cognitive
development? Describe the principle of
What ethical principles guide human
What does the term “heritability” refer to?
What are schema?
What are the basic building blocks of the
nervous system?
What are critical periods?
Describe the parts of a typical neuron. What is
the correct sequence in the transmission of a
neural impulse?
Study Guide – Final Exam
1. Describe Erikson’s psychosocial theory. What is
“identity?” What is “intimacy?”
What are the three stages of Kohlberg’s moral
development theory?
Piaget described what type of development?
Describe the effects of Alzheimer’s.
What is the “nature” and “nurture” part of the
nature/nurture controversy?
What is located between the axons of one
neuron and the dendrites of another neuron?
What is attachment? According to Harlow’s
studies of monkeys, how does it develop?
Which principle states that a neuron always
fires with the same intensity?
What is the refractory period?
What are the chemical messengers in the
neural system?
Schizophrenia is linked to excess levels of
_________________. Depression is linked to
lower levels of ______________________.
What is a correlational study?
What do clinical psychologists do?
Psychology is the scientific study of what two
Who is known as the “father” of modern
psychology? Why?
What is a psychological perspective? What are
the 6 contemporary perspectives?
The central nervous system consists of what
two parts of the body?
What is participant bias?
What are the four main lobes of the Cerebral
Cortex? Describe their functions.
What is the purpose of the corpus callosum?
Describe the functions of the limbic system:
a. Hippocampus
b. Amygdala
c. Hypothalamus
d. Thalamus
49. Reduced responsiveness to a drug causing the
user to take an increased dose is called
50. What are the most commonly used psychoactive
33. What are the two language regions in the left
hemisphere of the brain?
51. What are depressants?
34. What is sensation? What is perception?
52. What are drugs that excited neural activity and
speed up body functions called?
35. What is the blind spot? Why is it called this?
53. What are opiates?
36. What is an illusion?
54. What are drugs that distort perceptions and
evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory
input called?
37. Which hormone regulates the sleep/wake cycle?
38. What is a circadian rhythm?
55. Alcohol tends to shut down which part of the
brain? How does this affect a person’s behavior?
39. What are sleep spindles? In which stage of sleep
do spindles occur?
56. What is a heuristic? Provide one example.
40. According to the preservation theory of sleep,
why do we sleep?
57. What is a strategy that guarantees a solution to a
41. What is the restorative theory of sleep?
58. How do researchers define intelligence?
42. Describe the following theories of dreaming:
a. information-processing theory
b. physiological function theory
c. activation-synthesis theory
59. Howard Gardner theorized that there are at
least how many independent types of
intelligence? List them.
43. What are the physical effects of sleep debt (sleep
60. A person’s ability to perceive, express,
understand, and regulate emotions is known as
44. On average, how many hours of sleep do most
adolescents need each night?
61. For a test to have a high degree of reliability it
must do what?
45. What is hypnosis?
62. How do behaviorists define learning?
46. What is a psychoactive drug?
63. What is the difference between an
unconditioned and a conditioned response?
47. When does drug dependence become drug
64. What was the UCS and the CS in Pavlov’s dog
experiment? What was the UCR & CR?
65. In learning, what is spontaneous recovery?
48. What is withdrawal?
66. In learning, what is generalization?
81. The process of getting information out of
memory storage is called what?
67. How did the Little Albert study illustrate the
process of generalization?
82. According to the psychoanalytic perspective,
what is the purpose of defense mechanisms?
68. In learning, what is discrimination?
83. Describe Freud’s idea of repression.
69. Describe the difference between classical and
operant conditioning.
84. What is the misinformation effect?
85. According to psychoanalytic theory, what are
the basic purposes/desires of the following:
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
70. Describe Skinner’s views on learning.
71. What is the difference between positive and
negative reinforcement and positive and
negative punishment?
86. With which of Freud’s theories do
contemporary psychologists disagree?
72. What is observational learning? Which
researcher is best known for studying
observational learning (hint: Bobo Doll)?
87. Emotional stability, extraversion, openness,
agreeableness, and conscientiousness are all
components of which theory of personality?
73. Getting information into memory is known as
88. What is MUDA?
74. Which type of studying is more effective –
distributed or massed rehearsal?
89. What are the characteristics of bipolar disorder?
75. What is echoic and iconic memory?
90. What are the characteristics of posttraumatic
stress disorder?
76. Describe the difference between sensory, shortterm, and long-term memory.
91. What are the characteristics of antisocial
personality disorder?
77. What is the storage capacity of long-term
92. What are the characteristics of a panic attack?
78. What is a mnemonic device? Provide one
93. What are obsessions?
94. What are compulsions?
79. What are the three steps of the information
processing model?
95. What is DID?
80. How are implicit and explicit memories
96. Which disorder is characterized by
hallucinations and delusions?
97. How is the DSM-IV-TR used?