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SPCM 212
Review For Exam 1 Fall 2011
Overall Description
The exam has 35 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each and a short answer section worth 30 pts.
The short answer section is intended to be completed with your 212 learning team, though you have the
option to work alone. Here is a list of the number of multiple choice questions that are based in materials
covered in the chapters or in lectures devoted to those chapters. Chapter 1: 5 questions; Chapter 2: 5
questions; Chapter 8: 9 questions; Chapter 9: 6 questions; Chapter 10, 4 questions; Chapter 12, 4 questions;
Chapter 14, 2 questions. The Short answer section relies heavily on materials presented in chapters 4, 8, 9,
and 10.
Using the textbook and lecture notes to studying the terms and concepts below and practicing with the
sample questions posted on the 212 website which you can find linked on the Blackboard site will help
prepare you for the test.
Terms and Concepts to Study and Master
Ch. 1. Vocabulary: each part of the Speech Communication Process, visualization, positive nervousness,
frame of reference, ethnocentrism. What does your textbook recommend as ways to deal with nervousness
in your speeches? Why does it mean to say that public speaking is a form of empowerment?
Ch. 2. Guidelines for Ethical Speaking, recognize types of plagiarism and how to avoid it, guidelines for
ethical listening. Vocabulary: ethics, plagiarism (and types), paraphrase
Ch. 4 What is a Specific Purpose? What is a Central Idea? Recognize and be able to create examples of
Ch. 8. Recognize patterns of organization based on a set of main points, or based on a connective used in
the speech. Think through what would be the best pattern of organization to use for particular Specific
Purpose Statements [this overlaps with material from ch. 4 and from ch. 14] Why would a speaker choose
one pattern of organization over another? What are the guidelines for stating main points and why do they
matter? What are the types of connectives? Recognize and be able to create examples of each. Know why
you would need to use one type or another type.
Ch. 9 What are the objectives of a good speech introduction/conclusion? Be able to recognize examples of
each part of an introduction or conclusion. Be able to judge the strengths and weaknesses of an
introduction or conclusion. Know why these parts are important—what do they do for listeners? When is
establishing goodwill especially important? What are some strategies used to accomplish these tasks (how
might you signal the end in a conclusion? how might you gain attention in an intro? etc.).
Ch. 10 Why is outlining important? What does an outline look like? Review patterns of symbols and
indentation. Be able to unscramble a scrambled outline. From a scrambled list of points in a speech, be
able to pick out the main point or sub-point. What is a speaking outline? How is the same or different from
what the book calls a preparation outline?
Ch. 12 Vocabulary: nonverbal communication, manuscript, impromptu, extemporaneous, volume, pitch,
rate, inflection, monotone, pause, vocalized pause, vocal variety, pronunciation, articulation, dialect. What
do we mean by “conversational quality” in a speech? What does research show about delivery (speaking
rate, amount of eye contact, importance of personal appearance, dialects, do audiences tend to trust what
they hear or what they see more?)
Ch. 14 Know the guidelines for Informative Speaking. What steps can you take to personalize your ideas?
How do speakers relate directly to your audience?
Lecture – Know the five cannons of rhetoric (the slides to that Second day lecture are posted on the website
where you found this review sheet).
Sample Multiple Choice Questions for Review
1. The Roman rhetorical canon focused on the development of ideas or the content of a speech is called
A. invention B. arrangement C. style D. delivery E. memory
2. Someone coughing in the audience or walking in late during a presentation are examples of what part of
the communication model?
A. channel B. message C. feedback D. interference E. extraneous behaviors
3. Gestures and visual aids are examples of what part of the communication model?
A. channel B. message C. feedback D. interference E. extraneous behaviors
4. I. The first step in making a cake is to gather all of the ingredients.
II. Next you mix the ingredients.
III. The third step in making a cake is to bake until it is done.
IV. Then ice it.
A speech with the above main points is following which pattern of organization?
A. topical
B. causal
C. spatial
D. process
E. chronological
[*Bonus: A speech with the above main points ignores which piece of advice for stating main points?]
5. Which of the following is a strong specific purpose statement for an Informative speech?
A. To inform my audience about dogs.
B. To persuade my audience to take action to protect themselves from vicious dogs.
C. To inform my audience about the different breeds of dogs and about how to train dogs.
D. To inform my audience about the different breeds of dogs.
E. All of the above
6. Which is not a guideline for writing specific purpose statements?
A. limit the purpose to one idea.
B. make it broad and general
C. avoid figurative language
D. write the statement as an infinitive phrase
E. write your purpose as a statement, not a question
7. According to our textbook, ___________ are used to emphasize movement from one point to another.
A. channels
B. internal summaries
C. connectives
D. point connectors
E. visual aids
8. While working on the body of the speech you see the need to let the audience know what the upcoming
subpoints will be. You decide to include a(n) ____________.
A. pattern of organization
B. internal preview
C. transition
D. list
E. internal summary
9. According to the text, speeches should contain _______ main points.
A. three
B. two to three
C. two to five
D. one to five
E. none of the above
10. According to your textbook, a preparation outline should include
A. directions for delivery of the speech
B. complete sentences
C. only key words
D. a bibliography
E. both B and D
11. According to your textbook "next" and "finally" are examples of what kind of connective?
A. brief
B. transitions
C. linking words
D. signposts
E. internal previews
12. "I am currently studying veterinary medicine, and I am working part-time at an animal clinic." This
statement in the introduction of the speech could best be described as
A. gaining attention
B. revealing the topic
C. establishing credibility
D. bragging
E. previewing the body of the speech
13. "You now know that the three steps in making a cake are gathering the materials, mixing the batter, and
baking the cake."
This statement in the conclusion of a speech could best be described as
A. signaling the end of the speech
B. a dissolve ending
C a crescendo ending
D. reinforcement of the central idea
E. a speech preview
14. One reason we must adapt our speeches to our audiences is because listeners are ____________,
meaning they are especially interested in what impact your topic has on them.
A. egocentric
B. ethnocentric
C. poor listeners
D. ethnic
E. ecumenical
15. According to your textbook, the belief that ones' own group or culture is superior to all other groups or
cultures is termed
A. egocentrism
B. ethnocentrism
C. limited world view
D. ethnicity
E. ecumenism
16. The following statement is what part of an outline?
b. In the summer of 1993, a new plan was adopted.
A. a supporting fact
B. a main point
C. a subpoint
D. a sub-subpoint
E. a sub-sub-subpoint
17. Below in random order are a main point, two subpoints, and two sub-subpoints from a speech. Which is
the second subpoint? [this would be the point signaled on an outline as "B."]
A. King gave his "I Have a Dream" speech following the march.
B. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s greatest triumphs came during the early 1960's.
C. Later that year he participated in the famous march on Washington, D.C.
D. More than 200,000 people took part in that march.
E. In 1963 he campaigned against segregation in Birmingham, Alabama.
18. Which of the following need to be included on your preparation outline?
A. a specific purpose statement
B. pattern of organization
C. bibliography
D. all of the above
E. A and C only
19. According to your textbook, a speaking outline should contain
A. everything you want to say in the speech
B. a bibliography
C. delivery cues
D. a specific purpose and central idea
E. A, C and D only
20. A speech about the steps in the process of installing a Linux operating system on your computer would
probably best be organized according to what pattern of organization?
A. topical
B. chronological
C. causal
D. problem-solution
E. spatial
21. The central goal of the informative speaker is to
A. make sure the audience likes the speaker
B. make sure the audience likes the topic
C. make sure the audience retains the information
D. make sure the audience does what the speaker asks them to do
E. make sure the audience is inspired by the speaker
22. The topical pattern of organization
A. is used more often than any other method of speech organization.
B. makes it easy for a speaker to decide in what order to present their information
C. is a less strategic method of organizing a speech than the chronological pattern.
D. all of the above
E. A and C only
23. One of the best ways for a speaker to communicate especially exciting information like explaining how
ISU came back to beat Iowa is
A. to yell at the audience
B. to increase the rate of speech
C. to stand very still
D. to look at your notes
E. none of the above.
24. "The history of the buildings on ISU's campus" is a poorly worded specific purpose statement because
A. it is not appropriate for this audience
B. it is too technical
C. it has more than one idea
D. it is not a complete sentence
E. it is written as a fragment rather than a full infinitive phrase.
Answers to Sample MC Test Questions
1. A. invention
2. D. interference
3. B. message
4. E. Chronological [process is not a pattern of organization it is a type of informative speech]
[*Bonus--it does not use parallel wording consistently.]
5. D. To inform my audience about the different breeds of dogs.
6. B. make it broad and general
7. C. transitions
8. B. internal preview
9. C. two to five main points
10. E. both B and D
11. D. signposts.
12. C. establishing credibility
13. D. reinforcement of the central idea [using a strategy we call summary]
14. A. egocentric
15. B. ethnocentrism
16. E. a sub-sub-subpoint
17. C. later that year he participated in the famous march on Washington, D.C.
[if you arrange the whole outline fragment you would get:
I. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s greatest triumphs came during the early 1960's.
A. In 1963 he campaigned against segregation in Birmingham, Alabama.
B. Later that year he participated in the famous march on Washington, D.C.
1. More than 200,000 people took part in that march.
2. King gave his "I Have a Dream" speech following the march. ]
18. D. all of the above
19. C. delivery cues
20. B. chronological
21. C. to make sure the audience retains the information
22. E. A and C only
23. B. increase the rate of speech
24. E it is written as a fragment rather than a full infinitive phrase.