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Unit 4: Connecting the Hemispheres
Lesson 3: Protestant Reformation and Counter Reformation
SSWH9 The student will analyze change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation.
d. Analyze the impact of the Protestant Reformation; include the ideas of Martin Luther and John
e. Describe the Counter Reformation at the Council of Trent and the role of the Jesuits
I. The Beliefs & Authority of the Catholic Church
A. During the Middle Ages, the ________________________________________________ was the dominant religion in
Western Europe
1. Without a common ___________________________ in Europe, the Catholic _____________ became an important
political leader
2. On the manor, _________________ were powerful because the controlled peoples’ access to ___________________
by delivering the sacraments & absolving sins
B. The Catholic Church taught that people could gain access to heaven (called ___________________________) by having
faith in God & doing _______________________________ for others
1. The church taught that Christians could gain more of God’s _____________ through a series of spiritual
______________________ called the Holy ___________________________
2. Sacraments included __________________, Confirmation, Communion, Confession, ___________________,
Ordination of Priests, Last Rites for the Dying
C. But, the church was also growing __________________________
1. Priests were required to go through rigorous ____________________ in a monastery…but some church positions were
_________ to the highest bidder called ____________________
2. Sometimes, feudal lords would use their influence to have friends or children named as priests, called
3. As a result, some clergy members were poorly _______________________
4. One of the most ___________________ church practices was the selling of _______________________________
a. Indulges began as a way for people to ___________________ for their sins through
b. But rather than requiring good deeds, church leaders began selling indulgence certificates as a way of
D. These practices went _________________________________ during the Middle Ages
II. The Renaissance Influence on Catholicism
A. By the time of the Renaissance, some Christians began ______________________ church corruptions & questioned
Catholic teachings
1. Christian ________________________ believed that they could help ___________________ the Catholic Church
2. In the 1300s, Reformers like John Wycliffe & priest Jan Hus attacked corruptions like indulges, said that the
___________________ (not the Pope) was the ultimate authority on Christianity, & wanted church teachings in the
__________________________ (local language) not Latin
3. Catholic leaders responded to these criticisms by _______________________ Wycliffe & Hus
4. In 1509, Christian humanist _________________ published Praise of Folly which called for an end of corruptions
B. As a result of Johann _____________________________ invention of the moveable-type
____________________________________ in 1453, Erasmus’ book _________________________ throughout Europe &
increased calls for church reform
III. The Protestant Reformation
A. By the early 1500s, the Catholic Church was in ____________ over the controversy of corruption & its unwillingness to
adopt reforms
1. In Germany, a Catholic monk named _________________________ became involved in a serious dispute with the
Catholic Church
2. Martin Luther’s ______________ from the Catholic Church began the
_________________________________________________ & inspired a series of new Christian denominations
3. During the Protestant Reformation, reformers ___________ church corruptions & practices in hopes of ____________
B. Martin Luther
1. As a young boy in Germany, Luther was going to become a _________________, but after he nearly died in a
thunderstorm he vowed to become a Catholic _______________
2. After ______________________ the Bible as a monk, Martin Luther became a priest & scholar
a. During his studies of the Bible, Luther became convinced that ________________________________ could not be
achieved by good works & _______________________________
b. Instead, Luther was inspired by St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans: “A person can be made good by having
_________________ in ____________________________”
c. Martin Luther believed that salvation was gained though having faith in God; He called this idea
d. Martin Luther was also deeply troubled by the church’s selling of ________________________, which he saw as
false salvation
3. In 1517, Martin Luther wrote a list of arguments against church practices called the
a. He __________ the Ninety-Five Theses on the church door in the town of Wittenberg & welcomed _____________
of his ideas
b. The “Ninety-Five Theses” _______________ quickly through Europe causing an incredible ____________________
i. Many people, especially in Northern Europe, were ____________________ about his ideas
ii. But the Catholic Church __________________________ Luther & rejected his ideas
4. In 1521, Luther was called before the __________________________________________, a meeting of church &
political leaders
a. The Church demanded that Luther ___________________________ his teachings
b. Luther ____________________, argued that the Bible was the only source of religious _____________________, &
encouraged Christians to __________________ the Bible for themselves
c. At the Diet of Worms, Martin Luther was _________________________________________________ from the
Catholic Church
C. Martin Luther’s stand against the Catholic Church led to the formation of a new Christian denomination known as
1. Lutheranism was the first of a series of “______________________” Christian faiths that _____________ from the
Catholic Church
I. The Protestant Reformation
A. During the Protestant Reformation, religious reformers called ___________________________________ broke from
the Catholic Church & started new ____________________________ denominations
1. ____________________________ began the Reformation & believed in _____________________________________
2. John Calvin believed in ____________________________________ & a _________________ code of living
3. _____________________, not the _____________, was the head of the Anglican Church
B. In the 1500s, the new protestant faiths spread, especially into _________________________________________ in
areas away from the _________________ of the Catholic Church
C. But, ______________ Europeans, especially in Spain, France, Portugal, & Italy ________________________________
the Catholic Church which remained the _________________ religion in Europe but it had lost much of its power &
II. The Counter Reformation
A. The _ of the Catholic Church to the Protestant Reformation became known as the
________________________________ (or the ______________________ Reformation)
B. One of the first ____________________ in the Catholic Church was _______________________________________
who formed the Society of Jesus in 1540; Members of the Society of Jesus were called ______________ & focused on 3
1. Jesuits formed _____________________ to better educate Catholic priests
2. Jesuits tried to ________________ the ________________________ of Protestantism
3. Jesuits sent _________________________ around the world to ____________________ non-Christians to Catholicism
C. In 1545, Pope Paul III created a _____________________________ of Catholic leaders to ____________________
church practices, known as the _________________________________________________
1. Over the next 18 years, the Council of Trent made a series of _________________
a. The Catholic Church stopped ________________ false ________________________
b. New _______________________ were created to educate priests
2. The Council of Trent also _________________________________ several core Catholic beliefs & practices
a. The _____________________ interpretation of the Bible is ______________ & all others who interpret the Bible are
_______________________ (non-believers)
b. Salvation is gained through _________________ in God & ____________________________
c. All _________________ Holy ____________________________ are legitimate means to gain God’s grace
3. To enforce these beliefs, the Church used the _______________________________________ to accuse, hold trials, &
_______________________ heretics
4. The Church banned & ____________________ all offensive books, including Protestant ________________
III. Impact of the Protestant Reformation
A. The Protestant Reformation left Europe __________________________________________________
B. Numerous religious ____________________ were fought between Catholics & Protestants
C. The weakened authority of the _________________ helped _________________ gain power & form nations
D. _________________________________ converted non-Christians throughout the ___________________
E. The Reformation encouraged __________________________ & the ___________________________ of long-held